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Собственно трейлер к "GOEMON".

Из превью к фильму "GOEMON" 23 марта.
Интервью с Йошики и режиссером фильма Kazuaki Kiriya.

"Please introduce yourself. First, Yoshiki."
Yoshiki: I'm Yoshiki. (laugh)
"Director, please."
Kiriya: I'm Kiriya. No, it's not enough. Thank you very much for coming here today. "GOEMON" will be shown from May 1. A theme song is from Yoshiki's band, Violet UK.
Y: Before making a film, he said "Please make a song for my movie." "What kind of movie?" I asked. (laugh) Yeah...
K: I explained about it and then I showed him a demo DVD.
Y: His much trust gave me a pressure. I wrote 3 songs and then he listened to them and chose the one.
K: Right. At a studio in LA. We both live in LA so I went there and listened to them. He asked "Which one do you like the most?" He is so bighearted that I could choose one song called "ROSA."
"What a concept of this song?"
Y: Well, I want everyone to be moved. If possible, I want them to cry at the end. That's what I'm best at. It's kind of a ballad. But I was told that it should be a ballad with some hardness.
"What do you think about this movie?"
Y: A movie aside, we've been friends a long. So I was suprised at his talent once more.
"It's told that X Japan's shows in May will be cancelled. Please give message for fans."
Y: Shows on May 2 and 3? We'll carry out shows on May 2 and 3 in Tokyo Dome. Very sorry to having you worried, everyone. Please let me say here to fans in Korea. I'm very sorry for postponement this time. It'll be rescheduled and another show in Taiwan is decided.
"Do you talk with heath?"
Y: Yes, I do. I talked with him last night too.
"Any message from heath?"
Y: Well... It's very complicated in X Japan, I really think so. (laugh) Everyone may think that I control everything but I'm also a part of X Japan. I think everything goes well.
"Why Violet UK this time?"
Y: I thought and thought until the very end. I wanted to show another view of the world diffrent from X Japan.
"About a new album?"
Y: (about VUK) I'm trying to release within this year but I wonder if it will be released...(laugh) And X Japan is also trying hard but I wonder if it will... (laugh)
"About activities of Yoshiki & Kiriya?"
Y: I worked for some movie music. Akira Kurosawa's movie, animation... I forget the title..."La Rose de Versailles", "Repo" and some other.
But what I have to do the first is shows in Tokyo Dome. (laugh) I'll do my best.