Life's a journey, not a destination.
Перечитываю старые интервью, наткнулась на кусок, где Йо-чан говорит о женитьбе, детях, стабильности и ценности жизни.
Ototake: Whatever happens, once you make your decision, you cut off all escape routes and lose all excuses. dont you..
Yoshiki: That’s right. Maybe I’m searching for happiness.
Ototake: Don’t you ever consider settling down?
Yoshiki: Often. But my mind changes though. It feels like there’s a battle going on inside of me, 51% wants stability and 49% doesn’t.
Ototake: For example, I think that marriage is the most stabilizing factor in one’s life. However in a lifestyle such as Yoshiki’s, I think that marriage is not…
Yoshiki: No (Yoshiki interrupts the interviewer), I want to get married!
Ototake: What?! Really?
Yoshiki: But, I also don’t want to get married!
Ototake: That was a shock! I see…(laughs)
Yoshiki: But the difference is only about 1%, so in my mind it changes everyday.
Ototake: Ok, so if Yoshiki was to get married in the future, I guess one might say that the ‘swaying 1%’ would make 51% of you that is indeed looking for stability.
Yoshiki: Mmm, then.. I’d think ‘Ahh, I’ve made a mistake’… or something like that (hahaha)
Ototake: Up until now you’ve never had the right timing to get married, have you?
Yoshiki: I have. I’ve thought about getting married many times, but at the end I got cold feet.
Ototake: So I guess that [A stable happy Yoshiki] is something that you yourself couldn’t imagine?
Yoshiki: There’s that too, but I also felt sorry for whoever it is that would end up as my wife.
Ototake: I see. You’d be 30 minutes late for dinner and if there was no carbohydrate with the meal you would snap, right?
Yoshiki: No no, I’m pretty kind.
Ototake: Really? I’m relieved. I guess timing wise its certainly sensitive at the moment.
Yoshiki: Well, I do want children. Aahh, I can have children without getting married still can’t I? (Haha)
Ototake: Oh, such dangerous words (haha). By the way, compared to when you first debuted what do you think has changed in you the most?
Yoshiki: The way I value life. That has completely changed. Since hide passed away I really felt “I have to live on”. Even though I still have a destructive side, I think maybe that has deviated 1%. In the past I thought [I don’t care when I die]. I thought that I was the one that was going to die first, so in many ways I was shocked. Now I think [I lived, so I feel responsible].
Ototake: What you just said gave me shivers down my spine.
Yoshiki: I guess that’s an element of life.
Ototake: I think it’s a huge change for a person who in past interviews has said , ‘I’m always prepared for death’
Yoshiki: I still have that feeling inside of me but I think that is now the 49% part. Now I think that as long as I’m still alive I want to give everything my best.
Чееерт, где мне найти время, чтобы перевести интервью на русский?! Оно стоит того.
Ototake: Whatever happens, once you make your decision, you cut off all escape routes and lose all excuses. dont you..
Yoshiki: That’s right. Maybe I’m searching for happiness.
Ototake: Don’t you ever consider settling down?
Yoshiki: Often. But my mind changes though. It feels like there’s a battle going on inside of me, 51% wants stability and 49% doesn’t.
Ototake: For example, I think that marriage is the most stabilizing factor in one’s life. However in a lifestyle such as Yoshiki’s, I think that marriage is not…
Yoshiki: No (Yoshiki interrupts the interviewer), I want to get married!
Ototake: What?! Really?
Yoshiki: But, I also don’t want to get married!
Ototake: That was a shock! I see…(laughs)
Yoshiki: But the difference is only about 1%, so in my mind it changes everyday.
Ototake: Ok, so if Yoshiki was to get married in the future, I guess one might say that the ‘swaying 1%’ would make 51% of you that is indeed looking for stability.
Yoshiki: Mmm, then.. I’d think ‘Ahh, I’ve made a mistake’… or something like that (hahaha)
Ototake: Up until now you’ve never had the right timing to get married, have you?
Yoshiki: I have. I’ve thought about getting married many times, but at the end I got cold feet.
Ototake: So I guess that [A stable happy Yoshiki] is something that you yourself couldn’t imagine?
Yoshiki: There’s that too, but I also felt sorry for whoever it is that would end up as my wife.
Ototake: I see. You’d be 30 minutes late for dinner and if there was no carbohydrate with the meal you would snap, right?
Yoshiki: No no, I’m pretty kind.
Ototake: Really? I’m relieved. I guess timing wise its certainly sensitive at the moment.
Yoshiki: Well, I do want children. Aahh, I can have children without getting married still can’t I? (Haha)
Ototake: Oh, such dangerous words (haha). By the way, compared to when you first debuted what do you think has changed in you the most?
Yoshiki: The way I value life. That has completely changed. Since hide passed away I really felt “I have to live on”. Even though I still have a destructive side, I think maybe that has deviated 1%. In the past I thought [I don’t care when I die]. I thought that I was the one that was going to die first, so in many ways I was shocked. Now I think [I lived, so I feel responsible].
Ototake: What you just said gave me shivers down my spine.
Yoshiki: I guess that’s an element of life.
Ototake: I think it’s a huge change for a person who in past interviews has said , ‘I’m always prepared for death’
Yoshiki: I still have that feeling inside of me but I think that is now the 49% part. Now I think that as long as I’m still alive I want to give everything my best.
а это интервью есть на русском
сейчас постараюсь найти у себя, сохраненный вордовский документ... только у меня, скорее всего, как всегда, проблема с ссылками, точнее с их отсутствием.
0_0 переводчик - не Гошкина Мать, часом??
не поверишь, но тебе сюда ))))
но, кстати, в том переводе нет фразы про опоздание к обеду, почему-то. Я понимаю, что это не суть важно, просто в глаза бросилось)
оо, так я это читала и не раз...
как же меня бесит отсутствие ЕДИНОГО сайта по всем интервью и материалам!!!
Вот начнешь так что-нибудь переводить - только драгоценное время потратишь впустую.
Как я от всего этого устала.......
не грусти
Нене, спасибо за оригинал, пусть даже это и часть. А гайдзинским и так немого спикаем. ^_^Очень пробрал пассаж про смерть - типа "ну это же часть нашей жизни". Ваапще оригиналы на гайдзинском или хоть ссылки на них нужны, при переводе все же многое можно затерять.
Очень пробрал пассаж про смерть - типа "ну это же часть нашей жизни"
Йошики философствующий... эээх, я его таким обожаю. А размышления о жизни и смерти - это его любимая тема ещё с детства...
А смерть слишком близко ходила еще с детства. А еще Скорпион - один из самых хтонических знаков. Скорпионов соотношение смерти и жизни всегда интересует.
Как Скорпион, живущий среди родственников-Скорпионов, могу сказать - это правда...))